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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Arachnophilia 5.5.2803

Arachnophilia is a full featured HTML editor (written in JAVA) with an internal browser "Instant View" mode shows your HTML changes as you make them with each keystroke!
It supports up to 6 Web browsers, switches between them in a flash. Arachnophilia offers development of HTML, frames, CGI, Perl, C++, Java and Javascript with many intelligent tools and functions, as wellas a built-in intelligent FTP client, that automatically uploads changed filesto your server.
In addition, it offers powerful keyboard macros, that can include system commands, even other macros, for maximum flexibility. User-defined toolbars provide any tags or content you need for any of the supported languages and support system commands as well.
User-defined file templates. Comes with built-in step-by-step tutorials on HTML development, JavaScript, frames, the Internet. Nice looking, well featured but slow performing.
Arachnophilia has two displays:
  • A syntax-highlighted programming editor without line wrapping, and
  • A normal line-wrapped text display.
To switch between them, simply right-click and choose the one you want.
It has nice features including:
  • Importing fully formatted text, tables, outlines from any Windows-compliant application, automatically converting to HTML
  • Supports up to 6 Web browsers, switching between them in a flash
  • Supports development of HTML, frames, CGI, Perl, C++, Java and Javascript
  • Built-in intelligent FTP client automatically uploads changed files, for complete Internet access in one program
  • Powerful keyboard macros
  • User-defined toolbars and templates
  • Global search & replace across all open documents
  • Built-in step-by-step tutorials on HTML development, JavaScript, frames, and the Internet.
Requires Java Runtime Environment. Get It Here.